Portland Running Routes..... but why?

This website was created as a running resource for the area. I found myself wanting to run different places and scouring Strava heat maps or my friends activities for ideas, I was hoping this website could be a good starting / jumping off place for people looking for places to run.

I try to run all the routes that will be displayed on the site. I take pictures along the way, do a little work to the gpx files to clean them up or add information and then upload them to the site. This is a on going project that will change over time. I'm trying to keep the process open to change and pretty laid back, some routes will be more detailed than others. Occasionally I will add a route or running spot like a track to the website before going there - in general I have the intention of getting to and taking pictures of everything I post but if I think it could be useful without me actually being there I make exceptions.

I try to pick routes or highlight places that make sense to me. Some are the super well known routes around town and some might be lesser known. I also try to highlight parks or places that have some good running loops, I won't try to create 'routes' for most the smaller parks but try to show a perimeter loop or the best one I know of. Obviously once you know the place you can figure out your own variations. Basically this isn't meant to be a comprehensive list of every 'route' possible but a resource to help people find some new running options in town.

Ouch. Well things will get better as we grow and figure out what makes sense. Really open to suggestions. Drop into the DM's (email me)